The proposed intervention seeks to use football as a tool to facilitate communal healing, peace building, tolerance, conflict transformation and raise awareness on drugs and substance abuse. The intervention is proposed at a time when Zimbabwe is gearing for its harmonized elections to be held by end of September 2023. Rising tensions, hostilities, intolerance, hate speech, cyber bullying, communal conflicts and physical altercations amongst young people of different political, social affiliations and backgrounds characterize the pre-electoral, during and post electoral periods. The intervention aims to mainstream football as an enabler for healing, democratic developmental participation, fostering social cohesion, inclusion and the psychosocial wellbeing of young people. Another core aim of the intervention is to enable youth to influence pro-youth policy, promote tolerance and peaceful participation, positive conflict resolution and reconciliation post the electoral period. For the proposed project, 4-H Zimbabwe will work with the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation (MoYSAR), National Peace Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) and local law enforcement agencies.
FIFA Foundation Community Programme announces support for 114 organisations in 2023