4-H Zimbabwe held a Pre-farming season planning meeting with Agritex officers from Chiwundura Rural District today. The meeting is to discuss the challenges faced by farmers and to identify solutions, and also to plan for farmer agricultural training to be held in the district.

The Head of Agritex and District head Mr E. Mubaiwa presided over the meeting. He highlighted the need for continuous engagement for continuous learning. He stated that development is for everyone and that it is important for people to work together in harmony. He explained how everyone from the community benefits from the education imparted by the Agritex officers, therefore such initiatives are essential for the enhancement of livelihoods.

John Muchenje, 4-H Zimbabwe Executive Director explained that the organization seeks to do the following activities in the district: 1) Field-based farmer activities on – *) Land preparation and crop establishment *) Crop management, and *) Post harvesting. 2. Training of communal farmer champions who will become trainers within their communities.

The Member of Parliament for Chiwundura Rural District and Deputy Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Hon S. Kwidini further emphasized the need for community people to work together. He explained that Chiefs, Village heads, Councilors, and Agritex officers are all development agents, hence the need to cooperate for the progress of everyone.