A brainchild of agriculture-based organisation 4-H Zimbabwe Foundation, the 2021 Young Women in Agriculture Recognition Awards were held in Chirumhanzu District at Chengwena Village in Ward 4. The awards are held in conjunction with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement and in partnership with Seedco, Deutsch Connect, K2, Syngeta and Empower Bank.
The inaugural awards were held under the theme “Musha Mukadzi Murimi: Promoting gender equality through agriculture”.
Thirty female farmers were selected as the winners with the top five farmers being presented with prizes that included ox-drawn ploughs, fertilisers, hoes and seeds.
The best two farmers were 21-year-old Ms Abgail Tafirenyika and 18-year-old Ms Florence Gumbu respectively.
“In pursuit of fighting hunger within our communities and empowering women, I felt it was good to donate these fertilisers to support grassroot organisations which complement the efforts of the Government in ensuring food security.
“As also a young farmer in the agriculture business, this is part of my corporate social responsibility,” said Mr Mhuri.
Ms Gumbu, one of the winners said the recognition has given them as young farmers the zeal to play a paramount role in regaining the country’s food security.