4-H Zimbabwe has launched a Women-Water-Food nexus interventions project in Chiwundura rural district, Midlands province, Zimbabwe. The project is being implemented by 4-H Zimbabwe in conjunction with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural development, Ministry of environment and the Ministry of Women Affairs. The project is supported by IKI Germany-International Climate Initiative.
The project seeks to enhance livelihoods for rural women farmers in Chiwundura rural district and to capacitate them on climate change mitigation methods. These women farmers will be educated on climate smart agriculture and supplied with clean water through the establishment of boreholes. There will also be an establishment of community gardens that will contribute to food security in the community.

The executive director for 4-H Zimbabwe Mr John Muchenje gave a brief summary and understating of the project. He stressed on the need to enhance livelihoods to vulnerable and marginalized women farmers around the country. He stated that the primary goal for this project is to ensure that women farmers are empowered and are resilient as they play such a big role in the agricultural sector.

4-H Zimbabwe M & E Officer Mr Jerry Zingwevhu talked about the expected outcomes and results of the project. He gave reference the organisation in the past having established 8 solar powered boreholes and 8 community gardens for rural women in Hurungwe West. The boreholes benefited more than 400 households in the area. Now in Chiwundura, the organization seeks to target 8156 people and a total number of 8 boreholes will be established.

The guest of honor, Deputy Minister of Health and Child care – Hon S.Kwidini applauded the organization for this initiative and their efforts in community development. He emphasized on the 3 important pillars thus water, food and education. He explained on how it is essential for farmers to get famer educating, and how the community gardens and boreholes will assist in food security.

District Agronomist from Chiwundura rural district Miss Beauty Dzvairo encouraged all the present stakeholders to fully participate for the success of the program. She highlighted that the Ministry will be in full support to ensure that women are capacitated. She further applauded the capacity building programs which will be targeting the Agritex Officers including the smart tablets.

Environmental Management Agency (EMA)representative Timothy Nyoka expressed his gratitude for this initiative. He articulated on the need to address siltation and deforestation in the Chiwundura rural district as farmers are relying on stream bank cultivation which contributes to the siltation of the river, therefore with the provision of community gardens, there will be a reduction to such practices. Moreover, the provision of fences will aid in the reduction of deforestation as people use logs to border their gardens.

Closing the event, Chief Chiwundura thanked the organisation for this intervention and expressed that this project will assist so many people in his community. He concluded by saying that he is looking forward to be working with 4-H Zimbabwe in the coming future.