Agritex officer Miss Tracey Muchena at Murehwa, encouraging farmers to follow the taught stages on indegenous conservative farming method (Pfumvudza) to guarantee a good harvest in this long dry spell seasons due to climate change. She highlighted that shortcuts are the reason why some people think the concept does not work.

Murehwa Ward 29 Councillor Kurai Hoyi said that he appreciates the efforts done by the organization towards community trainings on Conservative agriculture as this helps build community resilience to climate shocks. #ClimateAction

4-H Zimbabwe has been capacitating women from different rural communities including Hurungwe, Zvishavane amongst others. The organization has established solar powered boreholes and community gardens as a way to ensure that rural young farmers are empowered and their livelihoods are enhanced.
4-H Zimbabwe is also trying to provide excess water to communities especially those facing challenges and having to travel a lot of miles to access water.