FARMERS have been encouraged to embrace the reality of climate and adapt to changes by adopting diversified farming methods.
Speaking at a Women in Agriculture training on Indigenous Conservative Farming Methods, Chirumanzu district head officer for Agritex Nobert Masiwa said farmers should consider drought resistant grains such as millet and sorghum.
“It is essential that we embrace the reality of climate change and equally adapt through diversified farming,” said Masiwa.
“This is key in day to day farming, when we plant diversified crops like maize , millet and sorgum we are guaranteed when one fails to yield we fall back on the other one.
The event which coincided with an awards ceremony won by Sekai Murinye of ward 6 Chirumanzu was graced by the district development coordinator and Seedco provincial head Davison Machaya.
“We continue to develop seed varieties and this is a continuous process that does not stop this we continue to engage with farmers so that they are aware of all the seed varieties,” said Machaya.