Sport plays an important EDUCATIONAL role on information dissemination – reducing social tensions and conflicts, promote cooperation, social inclusion, mutual understanding and tolerance at the community and national level by addressing the sources of exclusion and providing an alternative entry point into the social and economic life of communities.
4-H Zimbabwe has successfully engaged youth from 6 political parties (MDC, CCC, ZANU-PF, LEAD, FEEZ and NCA) and students unions (ZINASU and ZICOSU) through sport – promoting peace and political tolerance in Zimbabwe.
As we are getting closer to the harmonised elections in Zimbabwe, the organisation has planned more engaging inclusive and educational sporting tournaments in the political hotspots in Zimbabwe with the support from FIFA Sporten Commun Crossing Borders CISU – Civilsamfund i Udvikling / Civil Society in Development Embassy of Switzerland to Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
CCC, MDC-T and Zanu PF youths unite for peace; condemn political violence –
CCC, Zanu PF Youths Clash In Africa Day Match – ZimEye